Geekedmonstersnft #1

Welcome to Geeked Monsters NFT Geeked Monsters NFT is a limited hand drawn collection of 1,000 unique NFTs For millions of years on Planet Kai Geek Monsters lived peacefully. They knew nothing but happiness until the invaders arrived. The invaders destroyed the planet then took it for its valuable Goods and resources. The Geek Monsters Fought back, but millions of life’s and homes where lost in the process. Now only 1,000 Geeked Monsters remain, And there Getting ready for there last stand. •



Welcome to Geeked Monsters NFT Geeked Monsters NFT is a limited hand drawn collection of 1,000 unique NFTs For millions of years on Planet Kai Geek Monsters lived peacefully. They knew nothing but happiness until the invaders arrived. The invaders destroyed the planet then took it for its valuable Goods and resources. The Geek Monsters Fought back, but millions of life’s and homes where lost in the process. Now only 1,000 Geeked Monsters remain, And there Getting ready for there last stand. •