Ra’s Second Chakra Twin Flame 11/11

Orange Chakra, also known as Sacral Chakra, is the 2nd chakra from the bottom, located in the lower abdomen, around 2 inches below the navel. In Sanskrit, Orange Chakra is referred to as Svadhisthana, which means “sweetness.” When you look through the lenses of this chakra, you will see the possibilities for experiencing life’s sweetness, pleasure, and delight.



Orange Chakra, also known as Sacral Chakra, is the 2nd chakra from the bottom, located in the lower abdomen, around 2 inches below the navel. In Sanskrit, Orange Chakra is referred to as Svadhisthana, which means “sweetness.” When you look through the lenses of this chakra, you will see the possibilities for experiencing life’s sweetness, pleasure, and delight.