Nataraja literally means the Lord of the Stage. The idea is that the world is a stage, a puppet-show which presents the vision of life and activity through the power of the all-pervading Atman or God, the unseen Lord of the Stage. The Atman or self being the real teacher of the human mind, Nataraja is meant to represent the Guru, unseen but to foster growth from within. When we see the eyes of Nataraja we are reminded of the Shambhavi Mudra of Yoga in which the eyes are open but the vision is turned inward. The little drum holds the cause of the world, i.e., sound (Shabda Nishtam Jagad – through sound the world stands) in his hand. The deer on the one side is the mind that jumps from one thing to another. Nataraja wears the skin of a tiger, standing for Ahankara or egoism. On His head He wears the Ganges, symbolising Chit Śhakti or wisdom which is most refreshing and the moon represents the ethereal light. One foot crushes Maha Maya, the endless illusion which is the cause of birth and death. Ignorance due to bondage with the world is like a demon that has to be crushed and that is what the Lord does in His Nritta