I am a Marine, Born in 1775. Through two centuries, I’ve fought the best; And through two centuries, survived. I’ve fought the British twice, And two times I have won. Because of me, there was a setting of the Empire’s sun. I am a Marine. And I’ve fought in many nations, From Mexico’s Chapultepec, to China’s American Legation. I was the Devil Dog, at bloody Belleau Wood. My mastiff and I discerned between dog and man, But the Germans never could. I froze at Chosin Reservoir, And burned in the Pacific sun; Always, I was the first to fight And last to leave when done. I stood my ground at Khe Sanh, Though afraid, I did not run; Amazing – the miracles that can happen, When Marines get behind a gun. I have fought in every clime and place, Whether cold or warm; From balmy third-world nations to dusty desert storms. With every Marine who goes beyond, A little piece of me ends, And with every boy who grows up green my life begins again. I have fought here for people I love, fought here and on foreign shores, Fought every type of action and every type of war. If my country calls on me, I will fight again, For I am a Marine, and my duty never ends. We say we’re always faithful, And that always has been true. And here’s a truth that some forget, It always will be, too. For when you say you are a Marine, you’re saying more than most, And when you say you are a Marine, make sure it is not a boast. For when you say you are a Marine, you stand on those gone before. It’s because of them and up to us, that there’s honor in the Corps. Yes, I am a Marine and that really says much more – I am a Marine, I am timeless, I am the Corps.